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Cornell University

Library pooling


To pool multiple samples on the same sequencing run, each sample needs to have a unique index (barcode). This can be done using either commercial or custom indexing.

For demultiplexing, you can either:

  • provide us with the index sequences prior to the run, and we generate a .fastq file for each one of your samples.
  • request the raw data from the run, and you sort the reads that belong to each sample yourself.

Understanding the price table

If you used our library preparation service, pooling and QC are included in our pipelines (both for small and large projects).

If you prepared your library yourself and submit your sample for pooling, our library pooling service includes standard QC before pooling, including sizing and quality assessment with our Fragment Analyzer, and quantification with our Qubit.

Optionally, we can add a digital PCR quantification step for extra accuracy before pooling.

Service pricing

Library pooling
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Pooling user-submitted Illumina libraries, per sample (includes fragment analysis, Qubit quantification, and pooling) $24 $39
Pooling user-submitted Illumina libraries, per sample (includes fragment analysis, Qubit quantification, digital PCR quantification, and pooling) $48 $79
Extra/custom pooling of Illumina libraries (per pool) $72 $118