Spinning Disk Confocal (Andor/Olympus)
Inverted Olympus IX-83 microscope
- DIC optics, high NA immersion objective lenses
- 405, 488, 561, and 640 nm laser lines
- Multiple cameras for truly simultaneous color imaging
- Andor ultras for fast imaging (50 frames/sec)
- Heated chamber with CO2, O2 and humidity regulation
- ZDC2 focal-drift compensation
Please contact us to receive training before using this instrument for the first time.
Instrument pricing
Description | Peak (9am-9pm Mon-Fri) | Off-Peak (9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays) |
Andor/Olympus Spinning Disk Confocal | $25/h | $12/h |
Andor/Olympus Spinning Disk Confocal - Training | $80/h | NA |
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users. Training on any instrument takes 1-2 hours, depending on prior experience. 50% discount for 8 or more continuous off-peak evening hours. |
Grant acknowledgement
Imaging data was acquired through the Cornell Institute of Biotechnology's Imaging Facility, with NIH 1S10OD010605 funding for the shared Andor Revolution Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope.
B46 Weill Hall