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  • brc-meta_prot-L - This list sends messages relevant to the users of the Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility - JOIN
  • brc-flow-l - This list sends messages relevant to the users of the Flow Cytometry Facility, such as instruments maintenance, changes in schedule, flow cytometry workshops, etc. - JOIN
  • brc_bio-it-L - This list sends messaged about software subscription updates - JOIN
  • brc-genomics-L - This list sends messages relevant to the users of the Genomics Facility - JOIN
  • brc-biomolecular-analysis-L - This list sends messages relevant to the users of the Biomolecular Analysis Facility - JOIN
  • brc-imaging-L - This list sends messages relevant to the users of the Imaging Facility, such as instruments maintenance, changes in schedule, Imaging workshops, etc. - JOIN
  • Bioinformatics - This lists sends notifications about workshops, computer downtime, and new services - JOIN
  • biotech-announce-L - This list sends messages about seminars, presentations, and workshops relevant to BRC customers - JOIN
  • lifescience-L - This list is maintained by the Vice provost for Research for announcements relevant to the life science research community at Cornell - JOIN