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Cornell University

SyproRuby staining

Important: use plastic trays as the dye binds to glass.
  • After electrophoresis, fix gel in 40% methanol /50% water/ 10% acetic acid for approximately 1/2 hr.
  • Rinse the gel with water at least one time and shake it for another ½ hr.
  • Dilute commercial available SyproRuby solution 1:1 with water.
  • Expose the gel in this solution at least 18 h overnight and keep it dark.
  • Discard the staining solution, rinse the gel with water and place the gel in 10% ethanol/ 90% water for at least 1 hr for background reduction and keep it dark.
  • Gels can be stored in the wash solution or in water at 4°C.
Mini gel (8X10cm) Standard gel (18x16cm)
Volume of fixing and staining solution 50 ml per gel 200 ml per gel