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Cornell University

Office Hours

1. Identify the right expert to discuss your project:

  • Jen Grenier: Genomics technologies, general consultations about Genomics Facility/TREx/GIH services (Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-3pm)
  • Ann Tate: TREx projects (experimental design, input requirements, current status, future planning),Illumina sequencing (technology, BRC services, Novogene services) (Office Hours: Wednesdays 10am-noon)
  • Yassi Hafezi: Experimental design and planning for single cell sequencing projects using the 10x Genomics platform (no set office hours, email to arrange a consultation).
  • Adrian McNairn: Biological outcomes, experimental design and planning, genomics technologies, and so much more! (Office Hours: Thursdays 1-3pm)
  • Paul Munn: GI Hub projects (analysis, data QC, data distribution/access), genomics computational methods/software/pipelines (RNAseq, small RNAseq, ATACseq, single cell profiling, and much more) (Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-3pm)
  • Faraz Ahmed: TREx projects (analysis, data QC, data distribution/access), genomics computational methods/software/pipelines (RNAseq, small RNA seq, ATACseq, single cell profiling, methyl-seq, and much more) (Office Hours: Thursdays 1-3pm)
  • Linda Cote: NGS Sequencing (no set office hours, email to request a consultation)

2. Open our calendar in a new window and refer to the instructions below.

3. Click on the OH schedule (2hr window, shown in blue below) for the person you want to meet with (red arrow).

4.     In the pop-up description box, click on the link to ‘Go to appointment page’ (yellow arrow).

screenshot showing how to use office hour calendar

5.     A new calendar page should open, with grey boxes indicating available OH slots (shown below).

6.     Confirm the date that you want to reserve - see red circle - (the new calendar page does not sync with the main Google calendar) and select a slot to reserve (green arrow).

7.     Click ‘save’ in the pop-up window to reserve the slot.

screenshot showing how to use office hour calendar