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Cornell University

SNP Genotyping

Depending on the goal and scope of your project, we offer a range of options

Capillary Electrophoresis (Sanger) sequencing

This approach is designed to assess DNA variation at a limited set of loci in the genome.

  • PCR products
  • Plasmids
  • Microsatellites and fingerprinting

ORDER CE sequencing

Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS)

This approach is designed to genotype a large number of SNPs anywhere in the genome. Depending on the scope of the project, we offer two modalities.

  • Skim sequencing: This method is cost-effective but yields low coverage. It is recommended for large projects that need to survey genetic diversity at the genome-wide scale.
  • High-coverage sequencing: Two approaches are available depending on the size of your project.

ORDER skim sequencing

ORDER high-coverage sequencing for a small project

ORDER high-coverage sequencing for a large project

Amplicon sequencing

This approach is designed to genotype a large number of SNPs at target sites throughout the genome.

  • rAmpSeq
  • AmpSeq
  • rhAmpSeq

ORDER amplicon genotyping

Real-time PCR

You can use our real-time PCR instrument to detect heterozygotes and genotype SNPs.

RESERVE time on the real-time instrument

Genomic Innovation Hub: open-source protocols and collaboration

Whole-genome linked-read sequencing (“haplotagging”) workflows using open-source protocols are also being developed in the Genomics innovation Hub

contact the Genomics Innovation Hub about collaboration opportunities